00007 #include <sstream>
00008 using std::istringstream;
00010 #include <admodel.h>
00011 #include <df1b2fun.h>
00012 #include <adrndeff.h>
00014 void check_java_flags(int& start_flag,int& quit_flag,int& der_flag,
00015 int& next_flag);
00017 void ad_update_function_minimizer_report(int feval,int iter,int phase,
00018 double fval, double gmax,const char * cbuf);
00019 void vm_initialize(void);
00021 void set_initial_simplex(const tdmatrix& p, const dvector& y,int nvar,
00022 const dvector& x, double delta);
00024 int get_option_number(const char * option_name,const char * error_message,
00025 int& option_value);
00027 int get_option_number(const char * option_name,const char * error_message,
00028 #ifdef __BORLANDC__
00029 long int& option_value);
00030 #else
00031 long long int& option_value);
00032 #endif
00034 extern int traceflag;
00036 void tracing_message(int traceflag,const char *s);
00038 int function_minimizer::inner_opt(void)
00039 {
00040 return inner_opt_flag;
00041 }
00043 int function_minimizer::inner_opt_flag=0;
00046 int function_minimizer::bad_step_flag=0;
00048 void function_minimizer::minimize(void)
00049 {
00050 int nopt=0;
00051 int on=0;
00052 if ( (on=option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,"-shess"))>-1)
00053 {
00054 laplace_approximation_calculator::sparse_hessian_flag=1;
00055 }
00056 if ( (on=option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,"-pis"))>-1)
00057 {
00058 laplace_approximation_calculator::print_importance_sampling_weights_flag=1;
00059 }
00060 if ( (on=option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,"-sp"))>-1)
00061 {
00062 laplace_approximation_calculator::saddlepointflag=1;
00063 }
00064 # if defined(__MINI_MAX__)
00065 if ( (on=option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,"-mm"))>-1)
00066 {
00067 laplace_approximation_calculator::saddlepointflag=2;
00068 }
00069 # else
00070 if ( (on=option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,"-mm"))>-1)
00071 {
00072 cerr << "option -mm MINI_MAX not defined " << endl;
00073 ad_exit(1);
00074 }
00075 # endif
00078 if (initial_params::restart_phase)
00079 {
00080 initial_params::current_phase = initial_params::restart_phase;
00081 initial_params::restart_phase=0;
00082 }
00083 int allphases=initial_params::max_number_phases;
00084 if ( (on=option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,"-maxph",nopt))>-1)
00085 {
00086 if (!nopt)
00087 {
00088 cerr << "Usage -maxph option needs integer -- ignored" << endl;
00089 }
00090 else
00091 {
00092 int jj=atoi(ad_comm::argv[on+1]);
00093 if (jj<=0)
00094 {
00095 cerr << "Usage -maxph option needs positive integer -- ignored.\n";
00096 }
00097 else
00098 {
00099 if (jj>allphases)
00100 {
00101 allphases=jj;
00102 }
00103 }
00104 }
00105 if (allphases>initial_params::max_number_phases)
00106 {
00107 initial_params::max_number_phases=allphases;
00108 }
00109 }
00110 if ( (on=option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,"-ndv",nopt))>-1)
00111 {
00112 if (!nopt)
00113 {
00114 cerr << "Usage -ndv option needs integer -- ignored" << endl;
00115 }
00116 else
00117 {
00118 int jj=atoi(ad_comm::argv[on+1]);
00119 if (jj<=0)
00120 {
00121 cerr << "Usage -ndv option needs positive integer -- ignored.\n";
00122 }
00123 else
00124 {
00125 gradient_structure::NUM_DEPENDENT_VARIABLES=jj;
00126 }
00127 }
00128 }
00131 if ( (on=option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,"-maxfn",nopt))>-1)
00132 {
00133 if (!nopt)
00134 {
00135 cerr << "Usage -maxph option needs integer -- ignored" << endl;
00136 }
00137 else
00138 {
00139 int _maxfn=atoi(ad_comm::argv[on+1]);
00140 if (_maxfn<0)
00141 {
00142 cerr << "Usage -maxfn option needs positive integer -- ignored.\n";
00143 }
00144 else
00145 {
00146 maxfn=_maxfn;
00147 }
00148 }
00149 }
00150 int _crit=0;
00152 if ( (on=option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,"-crit",nopt))>-1)
00153 {
00154 if (!nopt)
00155 {
00156 cerr << "Usage -crit option needs number -- ignored" << endl;
00157 }
00158 else
00159 {
00160 istringstream ist(ad_comm::argv[on+1]);
00161 ist >> _crit;
00163 if (_crit<=0)
00164 {
00165 cerr << "Usage -crit option needs positive number -- ignored.\n";
00166 _crit=0;
00167 }
00168 }
00169 }
00170 if ( (on=option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,"-bw",nopt))>-1)
00171 {
00172 if (!nopt)
00173 {
00174 cerr << "Usage -bw option needs number -- ignored" << endl;
00175 }
00176 else
00177 {
00178 int bandwidth = 0;
00179 istringstream ist(ad_comm::argv[on+1]);
00180 ist >> bandwidth;
00182 if (bandwidth <= 0)
00183 {
00184 cerr << "Usage -bw option needs positive number -- ignored" << endl;
00185 ad_comm::bandwidth = 0;
00186 }
00187 else
00188 {
00189 ad_comm::bandwidth = bandwidth;
00190 }
00191 }
00192 }
00193 if ( (on=option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,"-phase"))>-1)
00194 {
00195 int jj=atoi(ad_comm::argv[on+1]);
00196 if (jj <=0)
00197 {
00198 cerr << " Invalid option following command line option -phase -- "
00199 << endl << " phase set equal to 1" << endl;
00200 }
00201 if (jj>allphases)
00202 {
00203 jj=allphases;
00204 }
00205 if (jj<=0)
00206 {
00207 jj=1;
00208 }
00209 initial_params::current_phase = jj;
00210 cout << "Set current phase to " << jj << endl;
00211 }
00212 if ( (on=option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,"-lapqd"))>-1)
00213 {
00214 ADqd_flag=1;
00215 }
00217 tracing_message(traceflag,"A2");
00218 while (initial_params::current_phase <= allphases)
00219 {
00220 between_phases_calculations();
00222 if (random_effects_flag)
00223 initial_params::set_inactive_random_effects();
00226 int nvar=initial_params::nvarcalc();
00227 if (nvar < 1)
00228 {
00229 cerr << "Error -- no active parameters. There must be at least 1"
00230 << endl;
00231 exit(1);
00232 }
00233 dvector g(1,nvar);
00234 independent_variables x(1,nvar);
00235 tracing_message(traceflag,"B2");
00236 initial_params::xinit(x);
00239 if ( (on=option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,"-uhess"))>-1)
00240 {
00241 int ierr=0;
00242 ifstream ifs("vector");
00243 if (!ifs)
00244 {
00245 cerr << "couldn't open file vector" << endl;
00246 ierr=1;
00247 }
00248 dvector zz(1,x.indexmax());
00249 if(ierr==0)
00250 {
00251 ifs >> zz;
00252 if (!ifs)
00253 {
00254 cerr << "couldn't read vector" << endl;
00255 ierr=1;
00256 }
00257 }
00258 if (ierr==0)
00259 {
00260 dvector xsave(1,x.indexmax());
00261 for (;;)
00262 {
00263 double delta=0;
00264 cout << "enter delta" << endl;
00265 cin >> delta;
00266 xsave=x;
00267 x+=delta*zz;
00268 initial_params::reset(x);
00269 userfunction();
00270 x=xsave;
00271 }
00272 }
00273 }
00275 double f=0.0;
00277 int simpflag = -1;
00278 if ( (simpflag=option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,"-simplex"))>-1)
00279 {
00280 gradient_structure::set_NO_DERIVATIVES();
00281 double delta=1.e-4;
00282 double ftol=1.e-16;
00283 dmatrix p(1,nvar+1,1,nvar);
00284 dvector y(1,nvar+1);
00285 set_initial_simplex(p,y,nvar,x,delta);
00286 adamoeba(p,y,nvar,ftol,maxfn);
00287 double ymin=min(y);
00288 for (int i=1;i<=nvar+1;i++)
00289 if (ymin==y(i))
00290 {
00291 x=p(i);
00292 break;
00293 }
00294 cerr << "The -simplex option is deprecated. The user should port "
00295 << "to the -neldmead option." << endl;
00296 }
00297 if ( (simpflag=option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,"-neldmead"))>-1)
00298 {
00299 gradient_structure::set_NO_DERIVATIVES();
00300 double delta=1.e-4;
00301 double ftol=1.e-16;
00302 dvector mincords = x;
00303 double ynewlo;
00304 double* pynewlo = &ynewlo;
00305 int icount, numres, ifault;
00306 int* picount = &icount;
00307 int* pnumres = &numres;
00308 int* pifault = &ifault;
00309 neldmead(nvar,mincords,mincords,pynewlo,ftol,delta,picount,pnumres,
00310 pifault);
00311 x = mincords;
00312 }
00313 int lmnflag = -1;
00314 int lmnsteps=10;
00315 if ( (lmnflag=option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,"-lmn",nopt))>-1)
00316 {
00317 if (random_effects_flag)
00318 {
00319 cerr << "At present you can not use the -lmn option for the outer"
00320 << endl << " optimiation in a random-effects model" << endl;
00321 ad_exit(1);
00322 }
00323 if (!nopt)
00324 {
00325 cerr << "Usage -lmn option needs integer -- set to default 10.\n";
00326 }
00327 else
00328 {
00329 int jj=atoi(ad_comm::argv[lmnflag+1]);
00330 if (jj<=0)
00331 {
00332 cerr << "Usage -lmn option needs positive integer"
00333 " -- set to default 10.\n";
00334 }
00335 else
00336 {
00337 lmnsteps=jj;
00338 }
00339 }
00340 }
00341 if (lmnflag==-1)
00342 {
00345 if (negative_eigenvalue_flag)
00346 {
00347 trust_region_update(nvar,_crit,x,g,f);
00348 }
00349 #if defined(USE_ADPVM)
00350 if (ad_comm::pvm_manager)
00351 {
00352 if (random_effects_flag)
00353 {
00354 if (maxfn>0)
00355 {
00356 switch (ad_comm::pvm_manager->mode)
00357 {
00358 case 1:
00359 quasi_newton_block_pvm_master_random_effects(nvar,_crit,x,g,f);
00360 break;
00361 case 2:
00363 function_evaluation_block_pvm_slave_random_effects
00364 (nvar,_crit,x,g,f);
00365 break;
00366 default:
00367 cerr << "error illega value for pvm_manager->mode" << endl;
00368 exit(1);
00369 }
00370 }
00371 }
00372 else
00373 {
00374 if (maxfn>0)
00375 {
00376 switch (ad_comm::pvm_manager->mode)
00377 {
00378 case 1:
00379 quasi_newton_block_pvm_master(nvar,_crit,x,g,f);
00380 break;
00381 case 2:
00382 function_evaluation_block_pvm_slave();
00383 break;
00384 default:
00385 cerr << "error illega value for pvm_manager->mode" << endl;
00386 exit(1);
00387 }
00388 }
00389 }
00390 }
00391 else
00392 #endif
00393 {
00394 do
00395 {
00396 if (spminflag)
00397 {
00398 repeatminflag=1;
00399 spminflag=0;
00400 }
00401 else
00402 {
00403 repeatminflag=0;
00404 }
00405 if (maxfn>0)
00406 {
00407 int nsteps=5;
00408 lmnflag = option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,
00409 "-lmn2", nopt);
00410 if (lmnflag > -1)
00411 {
00412 if (!nopt)
00413 {
00414 cerr << "Usage -lmn option needs integer"
00415 " -- set to default 5" << endl;
00416 }
00417 else
00418 {
00419 int jj=atoi(ad_comm::argv[lmnflag+1]);
00420 if (jj<=0)
00421 {
00422 cerr << "Usage -lmn option needs positive integer "
00423 " -- set to default 5" << endl;
00424 }
00425 else
00426 {
00427 nsteps=jj;
00428 }
00429 }
00430 }
00431 if (lmnflag<0)
00432 {
00433 quasi_newton_block(nvar,_crit,x,g,f);
00434 }
00435 else
00436 {
00437 limited_memory_quasi_newton_block(nvar,_crit,x,g,f,nsteps);
00438 }
00439 }
00440 }
00441 while(repeatminflag);
00442 }
00443 }
00444 else
00445 {
00446 if (maxfn>0)
00447 {
00448 function_minimizer::limited_memory_quasi_newton(x,lmnsteps);
00449 }
00450 }
00453 tracing_message(traceflag,"M2");
00455 gradient_structure::set_NO_DERIVATIVES();
00456 initial_params::reset(dvar_vector(x));
00457 *objective_function_value::pobjfun=0.0;
00458 if (!random_effects_flag || !lapprox)
00459 {
00460 #if defined(USE_ADPVM)
00461 if (ad_comm::pvm_manager)
00462 {
00463 switch (ad_comm::pvm_manager->mode)
00464 {
00465 case 1:
00466 pvm_master_function_evaluation_no_derivatives(f,x,nvar);
00467 *objective_function_value::pobjfun=f;
00468 break;
00469 case 2:
00470 pvm_slave_function_evaluation_no_derivatives();
00471 break;
00472 default:
00473 cerr << "Illegal value for ad_comm::pvm_manager->mode" << endl;
00474 ad_exit(1);
00475 }
00476 }
00477 else
00478 {
00479 #endif //#if defined(USE_ADPVM)
00480 userfunction();
00481 #if defined(USE_ADPVM)
00482 }
00483 #endif //#if defined(USE_ADPVM)
00484 }
00485 else
00486 {
00487 (*lapprox)(x,f,this);
00488 *objective_function_value::pobjfun=f;
00489 initial_params::set_inactive_only_random_effects();
00490 print_is_diagnostics(lapprox);
00491 }
00492 initial_params::save();
00493 report(g);
00496 initial_params::reset(dvar_vector(x));
00497 report_function_minimizer_stats();
00498 if (quit_flag=='Q') break;
00499 if (!quit_flag || quit_flag == 'N')
00500 {
00501 initial_params::current_phase++;
00502 }
00503 }
00504 if (initial_params::current_phase >
00505 initial_params::max_number_phases)
00506 {
00507 initial_params::current_phase =
00508 initial_params::max_number_phases;
00509 }
00510 tracing_message(traceflag,"N2");
00511 }
00512 void function_minimizer::set_multinomial_weights(dvector& d)
00513 {
00514 multinomial_weights=new dvector(d);
00515 }
00517 function_minimizer::function_minimizer(long int sz):
00518 mcmc2_flag(-1),
00519 robust_hybrid_flag(0),
00520 ffbest(0),
00521 ifn(0)
00522 {
00523 lapprox=0;
00524 multinomial_weights=0;
00526 maxfn = 1000;
00527 iprint = 1;
00528 crit = 0.0001;
00529 imax = 30;
00530 dfn = 0.01;
00531 iexit = 0;
00532 ihflag = 0;
00533 ihang = 0;
00534 scroll_flag = 1;
00535 maxfn_flag=0;
00536 quit_flag=0;
00537 min_improve=.0;
00538 negdirections=0;
00539 spminflag=0;
00540 repeatminflag=0;
00542 int ssz;
00544 int nopt=get_option_number("-ams",
00545 "-ams option needs positive integer -- ignored",ssz);
00546 if (nopt>-1 && ssz>0) {
00547 sz=ssz;
00548 }
00550 #ifdef __BORLANDC__
00551 long int lssz;
00552 #else
00553 long long int lssz;
00554 #endif
00555 nopt=get_option_number("-cbs",
00556 "-cbs option needs positive integer -- ignored",lssz);
00557 if (nopt>-1 && lssz>0) {
00558 const size_t size = (size_t)lssz;
00559 gradient_structure::set_CMPDIF_BUFFER_SIZE(size);
00560 }
00562 nopt=get_option_number("-gbs",
00563 "-gbs option needs positive integer -- ignored",lssz);
00564 if (nopt>-1 && lssz>0) {
00565 const size_t size = (size_t)lssz / sizeof(grad_stack_entry);
00566 gradient_structure::set_GRADSTACK_BUFFER_SIZE(size);
00567 }
00569 if (!sz)
00570 {
00571 pgs = new gradient_structure;
00572 }
00573 else
00574 {
00575 pgs = new gradient_structure(sz);
00576 }
00577 }
00582 function_minimizer::~function_minimizer()
00583 {
00584 if (multinomial_weights)
00585 {
00586 delete multinomial_weights;
00587 multinomial_weights = 0;
00588 }
00589 if (lapprox)
00590 {
00591 delete lapprox;
00592 lapprox = 0;
00593 }
00594 delete pgs;
00595 pgs = 0;
00596 if (negdirections)
00597 {
00598 delete negdirections;
00599 negdirections = 0;
00600 }
00601 }
00603 void function_minimizer::set_initial_simplex(const dmatrix& _p,
00604 const dvector& _y, int nvar, const dvector& x, double delta)
00605 {
00606 dvector& y=(dvector&) _y;
00607 dmatrix& p=(dmatrix&) _p;
00608 int i;
00609 p(1)=x;
00610 for (i=2;i<=nvar+1;i++)
00611 {
00612 p(i)=x;
00613 p(i,i-1)+=delta;
00614 }
00615 dvector xx(1,nvar);
00616 double vf=0;
00617 for (i=1;i<=nvar+1;i++)
00618 {
00619 xx=p(i);
00620 vf=value(initial_params::reset(dvar_vector(xx)));
00621 *objective_function_value::pobjfun=0.0;
00622 userfunction();
00623 vf+=value(*objective_function_value::pobjfun);
00624 y(i)=vf;
00625 }
00626 }
00628 int get_option_number(const char * option_name,const char * error_message,
00629 int& option_value)
00630 {
00631 int on1;
00632 int nopt = 0;
00633 if ( (on1=option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,option_name,nopt))>-1)
00634 {
00635 if (!nopt)
00636 {
00637 if (ad_printf)
00638 (*ad_printf)("%s\n",error_message);
00639 else
00640 cerr << error_message << endl;
00641 on1=-1;
00642 }
00643 else
00644 {
00645 option_value=atoi(ad_comm::argv[on1+1]);
00646 }
00647 }
00648 return on1;
00649 }
00651 int get_option_number(const char * option_name,const char * error_message,
00652 #ifdef __BORLANDC__
00653 long int& option_value)
00654 #else
00655 long long int& option_value)
00656 #endif
00657 {
00658 int on1;
00659 int nopt = 0;
00660 if ( (on1=option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,option_name,nopt))>-1)
00661 {
00662 if (!nopt)
00663 {
00664 if (ad_printf)
00665 (*ad_printf)("%s\n",error_message);
00666 else
00667 cerr << error_message << endl;
00668 on1=-1;
00669 }
00670 else
00671 {
00672 #if defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(_MSC_VER)
00673 option_value=atol(ad_comm::argv[on1+1]);
00674 #else
00675 option_value=atoll(ad_comm::argv[on1+1]);
00676 #endif
00677 }
00678 }
00679 return on1;
00680 }
00683 void function_minimizer::other_separable_stuff_begin(void)
00684 {
00685 if (lapprox)
00686 {
00687 lapprox->separable_calls_counter++;
00696 }
00697 }
00699 void function_minimizer::other_separable_stuff_end(void)
00700 {
00709 }
00712 void function_minimizer::begin_gauss_hermite_stuff(void)
00713 {
00714 int nsc=lapprox->separable_calls_counter;
00715 int is=0;
00716 if (lapprox->gh->mi==0)
00717 {
00718 is=lapprox->gh->is;
00719 }
00720 else
00721 {
00722 is=lapprox->gh->mi->get_offset()+1;
00723 }
00724 lapprox->gh->gauss_hermite_values(nsc,is)=
00725 *objective_function_value::pobjfun;
00726 }
00728 void function_minimizer::start_get_importance_sampling_comnponent(void)
00729 {
00730 int nsc=lapprox->separable_calls_counter;
00731 int isc=lapprox->importance_sampling_counter;
00732 (*lapprox->importance_sampling_components)(nsc,isc)=
00733 *objective_function_value::pobjfun;
00734 }
00736 void function_minimizer::end_get_importance_sampling_comnponent(void)
00737 {
00738 int nsc=lapprox->separable_calls_counter;
00739 int is=lapprox->importance_sampling_counter;
00740 if (lapprox->saddlepointflag==2)
00741 {
00742 (*lapprox->importance_sampling_components)(nsc,is)=
00743 (-1)* *objective_function_value::pobjfun-
00744 (*lapprox->importance_sampling_components)(nsc,is);
00745 }
00746 else
00747 {
00748 (*lapprox->importance_sampling_components)(nsc,is)=
00749 *objective_function_value::pobjfun-
00750 (*lapprox->importance_sampling_components)(nsc,is);
00751 }
00752 }
00754 void function_minimizer::begin_funnel_stuff(void)
00755 {
00756 lapprox->separable_calls_counter++;
00757 if (lapprox->hesstype==2)
00758 {
00759 if (lapprox->in_gauss_hermite_phase)
00760 {
00761 begin_gauss_hermite_stuff();
00762 }
00763 else if (lapprox->num_importance_samples &&
00764 lapprox->importance_sampling_components)
00765 {
00766 if (lapprox->block_diagonal_flag==2)
00767 {
00768 start_get_importance_sampling_comnponent();
00769 }
00770 }
00771 }
00772 }
00774 void function_minimizer::get_function_difference(void)
00775 {
00776 int nsc=lapprox->separable_calls_counter;
00777 (*(lapprox->separable_function_difference))(nsc)=
00778 value(*objective_function_value::pobjfun);
00779 value(*objective_function_value::pobjfun)=0.0;
00780 }
00781 void function_minimizer::end_df1b2_funnel_stuff(void)
00782 {
00783 if (lapprox->in_gauss_hermite_phase)
00784 {
00785 end_gauss_hermite_stuff();
00786 }
00787 else
00788 {
00789 if (lapprox->hesstype==2)
00790 {
00791 if (lapprox->num_importance_samples &&
00792 lapprox->importance_sampling_components)
00793 {
00794 if (lapprox->block_diagonal_flag==2)
00795 {
00796 end_get_importance_sampling_comnponent();
00797 }
00798 }
00799 if (!lapprox->no_function_component_flag)
00800 {
00801 if (lapprox->saddlepointflag!=2)
00802 {
00803 get_function_difference();
00804 }
00805 else if (inner_opt()!=0)
00806 {
00807 get_function_difference();
00808 }
00809 }
00810 }
00811 }
00812 }
00814 void function_minimizer::end_gauss_hermite_stuff(void)
00815 {
00816 int nsc=lapprox->separable_calls_counter;
00817 int is=0;
00818 if (lapprox->gh->mi==0)
00819 {
00820 is=lapprox->gh->is;
00821 }
00822 else
00823 {
00824 is=lapprox->gh->mi->get_offset()+1;
00825 }
00826 lapprox->gh->gauss_hermite_values(nsc,is)=
00827 *objective_function_value::pobjfun-
00828 lapprox->gh->gauss_hermite_values(nsc,is);
00829 }
00831 void print_is_diagnostics(laplace_approximation_calculator *lapprox)
00832 {
00833 if (lapprox->is_diagnostics_flag)
00834 {
00835 if (lapprox->importance_sampling_values)
00836 {
00837 int mmin=lapprox->importance_sampling_values->indexmin();
00838 int mmax=lapprox->importance_sampling_values->indexmax();
00839 double mn= mean(*lapprox->importance_sampling_values);
00840 dmatrix tmp(1,2,mmin,mmax);
00841 tmp(2)=*lapprox->importance_sampling_values-mn;
00842 tmp(1).fill_seqadd(1,1);
00843 tmp=trans(sort(trans(tmp),2));
00844 ofstream ofs("is_diagnostics");
00845 ofs << "number of importance samples "
00846 << lapprox->num_importance_samples << endl;
00847 ofs << "importance_sampling_values" << endl;
00848 ofs << *lapprox->importance_sampling_values << endl<< endl;;
00849 ofs << "normalized importance_sampling_values" << endl;
00850 ofs << *lapprox->importance_sampling_values-mn << endl<< endl;;
00851 ofs << "sorted normalized importance_sampling_values" << endl;
00852 ofs << setw(9) << tmp << endl<< endl;;
00853 ofs << "epsilon(1).indexmax() "
00854 << lapprox->epsilon(1).indexmax() << endl;
00855 ofs << lapprox->epsilon << endl;
00856 dmatrix plotstuff(1,2,mmin,mmax);
00857 plotstuff(1)=*lapprox->importance_sampling_weights;
00858 plotstuff(2)=*lapprox->importance_sampling_values-mn;
00859 ofs << " weight value " << endl;
00860 ofs << setw(9) << sort(trans(plotstuff),2) << endl;
00861 }
00862 }
00863 }