
          • ConTEXT:  User-friendly editor (Windows)
          • Crimson: User-friendly editor (Windows)
            • Carolina Minte-Vera has developed ADMB syntax files for the Crimson Editor. The Crimson Editor editor has many characteristics such as syntax highlighting and parenthesis matching.

              1. Download the Crimson Editor for free.
              2. Set up the ADMB syntax file from the “syntax type” item in the “Document” menu.
              3. Choose customize.
              4. Choose an empty slot to define new language
              5. Enter “ADMB” in the description box, choose “ADMB.SPC” in the Lang. spec. box, choose “ADMB.KEY” in the Keywords box.
              6. Download the extension.tpl file and save it in the folder C:\Program Files\Crimson Editor\link overwriting the existing file. This will allow the Crimson Editor to automatically identify a ADMB tpl file.
          • Emacs: Powerful and complex editor (Windows, Linux, Mac)
            • admb.el 11.2-6
              • Emacs mode for editing ADMB code
            • Install
              • How to install Emacs & admb-mode
            • Configure
              • Advanced Emacs configuration
            • ADMB-IDE
              • Special customization of Emacs in admb-mode
            • ESS (Emacs Speaks Statistics)
              • The ESS (Emacs Speaks Statistics) website provides downloads and installation instructions.
                Users can run statistical programs like R inside Emacs, or simply edit source code (functions and help pages) with syntax highlighting and indentation.
                As of version 11.2, ADMB-IDE comes with ESS.
            • Archive
              • Old versions of admb-mode
            • tmb-mode.el
              • Emacs mode for editing TMB code
          • jEdit: User-friendly editor (Windows, Linux, Mac)
            • jEdit is yet another free open source editor which has the advantage over the others listed here of running on Linux and Mac operating systems as well as Windows. The ADMB syntax files for the Crimson Editor have been adapted to the XML format used by jEdit.

              1. Download the admb.xml file and save it in the folder C:\Documents and Settings\username\.jedit\modes\
              2. In that same folder, look for a file called “catalog” and modify or newly create to include the following (the important line obviously is the one with “ADMB” in it):

                <?xml version=”1.0″?>
                <!DOCTYPE MODES SYSTEM “catalog.dtd”>
                <MODE NAME=”ADMB” FILE=”admb.xml” FILE_NAME_GLOB=”*.tpl” />

          • Notepad++: User-friendly editor (Windows)
            • Ignore the silly name, Notepad++ is a decent free editor for Windows.  Lightweight and not requiring administrator privileges to unzip and use, it can be seen as the successor of PFE (Programmer’s File Editor) and Crimson, which are no longer maintained.  Teresa A’mar (NOAA, Seattle) has contributed a collection of XML files providing ADMB support in Notepad++. (Screenshot)
          • Vim: Powerful and complex editor (Windows, Linux, Mac)
            • Vim is available for many different systems and there are several versions and can be  freely downloaded.
            • To activate syntax highlighting under linux, copy filetype.vim into the .vim directory in your home directory, and copy tpl.vim in the syntax subdirectory of the .vim directory. That is,
              $ ls -R .vim
              filetype.vim  syntax/


              There must be a way to activate highlighting under Windoze, but I can’t figure it out.

              The syntax highlighting is an extenstion of default Vim C++ highlighting and is generated from the ADMB flex input files. Template sections are highlighted as C++ keywords and ADMB template types are highlighted as C++ types.

          • Tinn-R: Free, simple, efficient text editor
              • Tinn-R appears to be intended as a replacement for the basic code editor provided by Rgui, so it should be a tool to introduce R users to ADMB.
          • TextMate Bundle: 
            • This file enables useful highlighting and templates in TextMate. It also includes templates for running ADMB via the R package R2admb.
          • Sublime Text Editor
            • Light weight, user friendly editor with support for many languages.